Mumbai Office led by Indian Media Executive Devdatta Potnis Dori Media Group (DMG), the studio behind such global hits as Losing Alice, Lalola, The New Black, In Treatment and ...
Dori Media Group is an international group of media companies, located in Israel, Switzerland, Argentina, Spain and Singapore. The group produces and distributes TV and New Media content, broadcasts various TV channels and operates video-content internet sites. Our catalogue contains weekly and daily series, reality and entertainment formats as well as kids programs, which we sell to a wide variety of audiences in more than 100 countries.
Dori Media produces, both in Israel and in Argentina, a wide range of shows from Daily Dramas and Prime-Time Action to game shows, kids and new-media formats.
Mumbai Office led by Indian Media Executive Devdatta Potnis Dori Media Group (DMG), the studio behind such global hits as Losing Alice, Lalola, The New Black, In Treatment and ...
Abot Hameiri-Created Series Returning with new seasons in Germany, Hungary, Slovenia, Croatia and Romania Power Couple expands to new territories Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway Dori Media Group (DMG), ...