An epic periodic drama commemorating 100 years October Revolution. Based on the famous novel “Sisters”, the first part of Alexey Tolstoy’s trilogy “The Road to Calvary”. A magnificent production capturing the atmosphere of the rioting Saint Petersburg, the sentiments and the views of the creative and social elites of that time, which supported and, in many ways, made the revolution come true.
Year of 1914, Saint Petersburg. A young woman of noble birth comes from upcountry to the capital of imperial Russia to study law, stays at her elder sister, a married woman, and happens to be in the thick of cultural life of the beginning of the 20th century. In the house of her sister’s husband, a successful lawyer, the young girl meets popular poets and writers, decadents, futurists and future revolutionaries then.
The Russian history in the years 1914-1919 is reflected through the story of two sisters, overcoming the hardships of the World War I, the Revolution and the Civil War. The national tragedy turns for the sisters into a personal tragedy – their beloved men are on opposite sides of the barricades, a newborn baby dies. The expectations of better tomorrow, for which is paid in blood, turn to be for the characters a road to Calvary.